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Collaborations between science and art are happening more and more frequently. Relational Space identifies relevant stories and initiatives around the globe and reports them here to inform and inspire our community.

The Role of Knowledge in Creative Thinking

Are there unstudied or undervalued ways of knowing? Many aspects of creativity e.g. remoteness of ideas, associative thinking, flexible/richer semantic memory structure, etc. are ripe areas for study of creativity & complexity.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Knowing


Creativity Research Journal

Yoed N. Kenett

July 26, 2024

Co-making the future: judges’ insights on transdisciplinary creativity and global collaboration in the China-U.S. young maker competition

Integrating various academic fields boosts creative problem-solving in real-life scenarios & increases focus on sustainability & cross-cultural collaboration for global interconnectedness & adaptive problem-solving.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #ProblemSolving


Frontiers in Education

W. Liu, et al.

July 25, 2024

The iterative and improvisational nature of the creative process

The creative process has often been conceived as a linear process but this view is inconsistent with conceptions in the creative community. Creators more closely align with a creative process that is nonlinear, iterative & improvisational. 

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Process


Journal of Creativity

R. Keith Sawyer

July 24, 2024

Imagination vs. routines: festive time, weekly time, and the predictive brain

The arts expose us to simulated experiences that explore alternative social realities, allowing the predictive machinery of the brain to hone its skills through exposure to a wider array of potentially relevant social scenarios. 

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Imagination


Front. Hum. Neurosci.,

A. Bortolotti, A. Conti, A. Romagnoli & P. L. Sacco

July 23, 2024

How Do You Know What You Know? Exploring different types of knowledge and ways of knowing.

I have published a new article in Psychology Today: How Do You Know What You Know? Exploring different types of knowledge and ways of knowing - Enjoy and let me know your thoughts.
#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Knowing


Psychology Today

Leigh W. Jerome, Ph.D.

July 22, 2024

Inspired by art: Higher aesthetic appeal elicits increased felt inspiration in a creative writing task

Why go to galleries when in periods of creative incubation? Feelings of being moved during art appreciation are positively correlated with feelings of inspiration in creative tasks.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Inspiration


Inspired by art: Higher aesthetic appeal elicits increased felt inspiration in a creative writing task

D. Welke, I. Purton & E. Vessel

July 19, 2024

The construction of everyday creative identity

Individuals assign subjective values to ideas, balancing originality & adequacy, according to individual preferences & impact their creative abilities.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Subjective


Journal of Creativity

M. K. Culpepper & D. Gauntlett

July 17, 2024

Extending human creativity with AI

AI tools facilitate human creativity by enlightening the creative process, building interfaces for exploring ideas  & designing technological affordances able to support the development of new creative practices.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #AI


Journal of Creativity

K. O'Toole & E.-Á. Horvát

July 16, 2024

Creativity as an Emergent Property of Complex Educational System

Academia/education is a complex system of various disciplinary nodes, with the edges representing the flow of unifying ideas between them & connections allowing for flow in these paths for increased creativity.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Connections


Northeast Journal of Complex Systems (NEJCS)

Ceire Monahan, Mika Munakata & Ashwin Vaidya

July 15, 2024

Making transdisciplinarity work for complex systems: A dynamic model for blending diverse knowledges

Delighted to share our newly published paper:

Making transdisciplinarity work for complex systems: A dynamic model for blending diverse knowledges.

Complex social issues cannot be approached from a single discipline but require knowledge spillover from the intersection of multiple fields, disciplines and cultures.The paper presents a transdisciplinary framework designed to blend different knowledges and resources via a non-hierarchical, self-organizing collaboration to foster the integration of scholarly expertise, artistic expression and lived experiences to engage broad audiences in knowledge exchange.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Futures



L.W. Jerome, S.K. Paterson, B. von Stamm & K. Richert

June 19, 2024

Human creativity: Functions, mechanisms, and social conditioning

Humans are often creative because for the same reasons as other animals are – to adapt to external threats, to solve ill-defined problems that block progress, & to gain (im)material rewards.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Rewards


Advances in Experimental Social Psychology

C. K.W. De Dreu, B. A. Nijstad & M. Baas

June 18, 2024

From science to art forms: exploring design, creativity and innovation through chaos physicalization

Chaos physicalization generates artistic & scientific novelty, transforming data into a source of creativity & design innovation, with cross-disciplinary synergy among artists, scientists & tech acting as a catalyst.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Collaboration


International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation

F. Bertacchini, P. S. Pantano & E. Bilotta

June 17, 2024

Low power warm-up effect: Understanding the effect of power on creativity over tim

Power makes individuals more creative, because the powerful are more willing to break with convention. 
Low power individuals can be as creative as high power individuals if given time for performance warm-up.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Power


Journal of Experimental Social Psychology

S. Kim, B. J. Lucas & J. A. Goncalo

June 13, 2024

Making Versus Viewing Art: Effects on Affect, Enjoyment, and Flow

Both making & viewing art reduce negative affect equally; however, actively making art improves positive affect more than the passive experience of viewing of art.

 #Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Making


Empirical Studies of the Arts

J. E. Drake, M. Eizayaga & S. Wawrzynski

June 12, 2024

Supporting youth mental health with arts-based strategies: a global perspective

The global youth mental health crisis require effective solutions that accessible, adaptable & scalable. Empirically based arts & culture strategies are solid tools for promoting youth mental health and well-being.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Wellness



T. L. Golden, et al.

June 11, 2024

The advantage of novel solutions on subsequent memory in insight problems

Insight during problem solving is beneficial to long-term memory formation because novel answers have an advantage in the competition of thoughts, including more fixation on the target region of interest.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Memory


Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts

Q. Zhao, et al.

June 10, 2024

Rethinking Architecture Education

The new intellectual free trade are our own thought processes, judging, deciding & creating - importing & exporting from one intellectual discipline to another, to solve problems & achieve goals in outer environments of great complexity.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Transdisciplinarity


Design Intelligence

Julie Ju-Youn Kim

June 7, 2024

“It was like I was not a person, it was like I was the nature”: The impact of arts-in-nature experiences on the wellbeing of children living in areas of high deprivation

The impact of arts in nature supports children's wellbeing by the development of self-confidence & self-esteem; agency; slowness & calmness; & connectedness with nature. 

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Nature


Journal of Environmental Psychology

Z. Moula, N. Walshe & E. Lee

June 6, 2024

Brain capital is crucial for global sustainable development

Brain capital connects & fuses disciplines (ie transdisciplinarity) offering a unique common goal for collaboration. An economic transition to brain-health economy is needed to make progress on SDGs.
#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Transdisciplinarity


The Lancet Neurology

H. A. Eyre, et al.

June 5, 2024

Diverse adolescents’ transcendent thinking predicts young adult psychosocial outcomes via brain network development

Engaging in abstract thinking during the mid-adolescence predicts brain interconnectivity & personal & social well-being in adulthood, especially key is engaging in complex perspective & emotion taking, through civic-mindedness.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Transcendent



R. J. M. Gotlieb, X-F. Yang & M. H. Immordino-Yang

June 4, 2024

Promoting Methodological Creativity and Innovations: Editorial Learning from a Poetic Self-Study Journal Special Issue

There are 4 central features of methodological creativity/innovations: plurality, methodological & epistemological inventiveness, academic/personal intersections & relational scaffolding.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Method


Studying Teacher Education

A. P. Samaras & K Pithouse-Morgan

June 3, 2024

Concerned Creativity to Counteract Concerning Creativity

Creativity is a complex interplay of creative competence, commitment to the creative task & concern for others in the creative process & able to improve the well-being of oneself, other people, societies & the planet. 

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Process


Transformational Creativity

A. Chowkase, K. R. Datar & A. Dedhe

May 30, 2024

Anger is red, sadness is blue: Emotion depictions in abstract visual art by artists and non-artists

Abstract color & line drawings convey emotions based on systematic use of certain colors & line features that depict each basic emotion (e.g., anger tends to be redder & more densely drawn; sadness more blue & contains more vertical lines).

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Emotion


Journal of Vision

C. Damiano, et al.

May 29, 2024

Facilitating Knowledge Exchange and Interconnectedness: The Impact of Culture and the Arts

Culture and the Arts foster interconnectedness and understanding, emphasizing the need for ethical and inclusive approaches in our interconnected world.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Culture


The National Conference on Language Between Culture and Arts

Karima Abdedaim

May 28, 2024

Calming effects of repetition in music for children with sensory sensitivities: Findings from two experimental studies

Highly repetitive music can have a calming effect, help reduce anxieties & increase engagement in children with sensory sensitivities

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Repetition


The Arts in Psychotherapy

G. S. Kim, A. Chmiel & S. Garrido

May 27, 2024

Inclusive Leadership and Creative Teaching: The Mediating Role of Knowledge Sharing and Innovative Climate

An inclusive leadership style has a positive effect on knowledge sharing, enhances innovative climate & inspires creative teaching.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Inclusive


Creativity Research Journal

T. V. T. Nguye , H. T. Nguyen, T. X.Nong & T. T. T. Nguyen

May 23, 2024

Creativity and humor in the elderly: Shared mechanisms and common functions to promote well-being

Creativity & humor share common psychological & neurobiological processes that support older people in facing problems & contribute to personal well-being.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Humor


Neuroscience Letters

C. Cristini, L. Colautti, A. D. Vedova & A. Antonietti

May 22, 2024

Correlates of Self-Assessed Creativity

People who think of themselves as more creative tend to be more optimistic, have higher self-esteem & score higher on trait Curious (Openness), but lower on trait Adjustment (low Neuroticism) & trait Competitive (low Agreeableness). 

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Openness


Creativity. Theories – Research - Applications

Adrian Furnham

May 21, 2024

Creativity and the Cyber Shock: The Ultimate Paradox

Generative AI as a primary creativity tool risks blocking the pathway to disruptive creativity because it produces only incremental novelty based on the already known. 

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #AI


Journal of Creative Behavior

David Cropley & Arthur Cropley

May 20, 2024

Creative expression and mental health

Engaging in crafts & do-it-yourself (DIY) projects offer beneficial opportunities for creativity, self-expression & sense of accomplishment, which can all have a positive effect on mental health.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Wellness


Journal of Creativity

Ducel Jean-Berluche

May 17, 2024

Thinking outside of the (Western) Box: Cultural Psychology Perspectives on Creativity in Education

To foster creativity, engage in more dialogical, socio-cultural & collaborative work, involving multiple perspectives & possibility thinking able to address complex challenges. 

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Collaboration


Journal of Creative Behavior

L. D. de Paula, A. Branco & V. Glaveanu

May 15, 2024

The Aha! experience is associated with a drop in the perceived difficulty of the problem

A problem’s subjective difficulty is positively correlated with solution time & this correlation decreases when there is a stronger Aha! experience.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Aha


Frontiers in Psychology

N. V. Moroshkina, et al.

May 14, 2024

The impact of chronic pain on creative ideation: An examination of the underlying attention‐related psychophysiological mechanisms

The performance decrements of creative/cognitive ideation in patients with chronic pain are at least partly attributable to attentional impairments associated with the pain.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Pain


European Journal of Pain

Gubler DA, et al

May 13, 2024

Linking Gender To Creativity: Role of Risk Taking and Support For Creativity Towards Creative Potential of Employees

Gender-based expectations appears to be the primary cause of risk-taking impact, a key creativity-relevant skill, suggesting implications creativity, agency and leadership.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Gender


Journal of Intercultural Communications

D. T. Alamanda, et al.

May 10, 2024

"My Brain Said That … ": A Qualitative Study of Sources of Children's Creative Ideas

Studying children’s creative processes is challenging because of their still-developing meta-cognition, essential component to the creative process; but, children can explain their process of generating ideas in the vast majority of inquiries.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Development


Creativity Research Journal

K. Berthiaume, S.Acar & D. Dumas

May 9, 2024

Where in the brain is creativity? The fallacy of a creativity faculty in the brain

Creativity does not exist as its own, specialized entity in the brain. Instead, its neurocognitive mechanisms are distributed, embedded, and varied; that is, creativity is everywhere and multiply realizable.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Neurocognitive


Frontiers in Psychology

Arne Dietrich

May 8, 2024

Creativity in rugby union: it’s more than a moment, it’s a playful rebellion against conformity

While creativity may manifest in creative moments, creativity is best considered as a pattern of behaviour that allows these actions to emerge.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Pattern


Sport, Education and Society

C. Marshall

May 7, 2024

Mind wandering and the incubation effect: Investigating the influence of working memory capacity and cognitive load on divergent thinking

Mind wandering facilitates the creative incubation effect in individuals with limited working memory capacity, particularly in low cognitive load conditions.
#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #MindWandering


Thinking Skills and Creativity

Y, Huang, X. Song & Q. Ye

May 6, 2024

Better than Individuals? The Potential Benefits of Dissent and Diversity for Group Creativity

Dissent may lead to negative feelings among group members, but the dissent experience can increase the subsequent tendencies in all group members toward creative or divergent thinking. 

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Dissent


Group Creativity: Innovation through Collaboration

C. J. Nemeth & B. Nemeth-Brown

May 3, 2024

Bearing Witness and Creative Activism

Art that provides opportunities for ‘bearing witness’ plays a crucial knowledge-transmitting function, one which enables art to engage in creative activism.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Witness


Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism

Sondra Bacharach

May 2, 2024

© 2022 Relational Space. All rights reserved. 






Artists and scientists alike are focused on exploring the world through introspection, examination and experimentation. Collaboration provides diversity of inperspective and methodology leading to novel dialogue. Combining scientific exploration with creative expression offers unique opportunities for forming new knowledge, discovery and creativity. To tackle the intractable challenges of our global society requires a brand new language – a language of interdisciplinarity, interconnectedness, and intersectionality. Relational Space provides an immersive space for artistic expression and scholarly knowledge exchange with focus on Evidence-based Art: Art presented in relation to empirically supported ideas to promote transformational social change. Relational Space encourages communication and collaboration among artists, scientists, policy-makers and community activists with focus on marginalized populations and topics of equity and social justice.  Our vision sees a more just and sustainable world, inspired by art and transformed through truth. 


The stories we tell matter.

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