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Collaborations between science and art are happening more and more frequently. Relational Space identifies relevant stories and initiatives around the globe and reports them here to inform and inspire our community.

Imagination vs. routines: festive time, weekly time, and the predictive brain

Traditions, norms, laws & customs foster shared predictions/expectations & reduce social uncertainty. Arts/media expose us to simulated/alternative social realities, increasing predictive potential.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Predict


Front. Hum. Neurosci.,

A. Bortolotti, A. Conti, A. Romagnoli & P. L. Sacco

April 29, 2024

Functional brain activation patterns of creative metacognitive monitoring

Lower internal attention, less memory load & increased sensory processing are associated with more effective & accurate monitoring of the creative process. 

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Process



C. Rominger, et al

April 26, 2024

Question sense, inquiry, and inventiveness

Imagination bespeaks cognitive processes, creativity & a focus on innovative action; these are synergistic partners, with plausibility being the link between them.

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Synergy



M. Freestone, K. Khan & J. Mason

April 25, 2024

The transformative power of music: Insights into neuroplasticity, health, and disease

Music training can bring about structural & functional changes in the brain, with positive effects on social bonding, cognitive abilities & language processing. 

#Science #Art #RelationalSpace #Music


Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health

M. T. Zaatar, K. Alhakim, M. Enayeh & R. Tamer

April 24, 2024

Happiness, Creative Ideation, and Locus of Control

There is a positive relationship between creative ideation & external locus of control & between happiness & creative ideation for those individuals with internal vs external locus of control.
“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Internal”


Creativity Research Journal

T. C. Pannells & A. Claxton

April 23, 2024

The bidirectional relationship between risk and creativity: A systematic review.

Lower creative ability people tend to avoid risky situations & decisions, preferring the status quo, while people with higher creative skills tend not to flinch from challenging situations.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Challenges”


Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology,

M. Crepaldi, et al

April 22, 2024

Purpose-driven transformation: a holistic organization design framework for integrating societal goals into companies

Addressing society’s issues requires companies to societally hybridize, that is, introduce societal goals alongside profit goals to transition to a deeper societal impact commitment.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Social”


Journal of Organization Design

R. E. Carballo

April 19, 2024

Creative Evaluation: The Role of Memory in Novelty & Effectiveness Judgements

Episodic retrieval supports the evaluation of creative ideas. People refer more to the past when evaluating familiar, effective ideas & more to the future when evaluating novel, less effective ideas.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Episodic”


Creativity Research Journal

W. Orwig, R. E. Beaty, M. Benedek & D. L. Schacter

April 18, 2024

Stage magic: empowering inclusion through art

The performing arts, through their collaborative nature, encourage teamwork, communication & mutual respect as well as playing a pivotal role in fostering inclusivity through their ability to engage, connect & communicate.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Performance”



David Woodhead

April 17, 2024

Compassion—A key to innovation: What promotes and what prevents innovation in organizations?

For innovation to flourish, compassion needs to be cultivated throughout an organization, activating flexibility, organizational performance & learning.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Compassion”


Frontiers in Psychology

J. Spännäri, E. Juntunen, A. B. Pessi & P. Ståhle

April 16, 2024

The influence of green inclusive leadership on green creativity: a moderated mediation model

Green inclusive leadership has a positive effect on green creativity &  organizational environmental citizenship behavior plays a mediating role in this relationship. 

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Green”


Journal of Hospitality Marketing & Management

Lütfi Sürücü

April 15, 2024

Do we need metacognition for creativity? A necessary condition analysis of creative metacognition.

Metacognitive accuracy (understanding one’s own thinking process) is necessary for high creativity to occur; that is, individuals with inaccurate metacognitive monitoring  may not exhibit high creativity.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Meta”


Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts

M. Urban & K. Urban

April 12, 2024

How does stress shape creativity? The mediating effect of stress hormones and cognitive flexibility

Acute stress negatively impacts creative performance & indirectly affects creativity through the mediating role of cortisol levels & cognitive flexibility.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Stress”


Thinking Skills and Creativity

X. Guo, et al.

April 11, 2024

How plants can change your state of mind

Surrounding yourself with plants improves concentration, increases  endorphins/mood & stimulates the brain, increasing creativity.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Plants”


World Economic Forum

Sven Batke

April 10, 2024

Pretend Play, Creativity, and Emotion Regulation in Children

With children, pretend play is positively related to emotion regulation &creativity as measured by divergent thinking & storytelling.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Pretend”


Psychology of Aesthetics Creativity and the Arts

J. Hoffmann & S. Russ

April 9, 2024

Mental health and biomedical neoliberalism: can creativity make space for social justice?

Creative pedagogies support critical thinking, openness to learning & engagement with multiple forms of knowledge, allowing embodied analysis of power, knowledge and social justice.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Knowledge”


Social Work Education

E. Tseris & S. Jamieson

April 8, 2024

How creativity can help research on the multiple values of nature become more innovative and inclusive

Research creativity is essential to address complex challenges. Strategies include: Define the problem carefully; be inspired by others' work; nurture skepticism & open-mindedness; don't use only words; iterate - embrace failure & teamwork.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Strategies”


People and Nature

Rachelle K. Gould

April 5, 2024

How to overcome biases against creativity: The role of familiarity with and confidence in original solutions

New innovations face substantial doubts of practicability/usefulness, often leading to immediate rejection. New ways must be developed to mitigate the bias against creative change & promote successful creative ideation.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Bias”



M. Reis & W. Kunde

April 4, 2024

Coloring complex shapes decreases patient anxiety in three care environments: a pilot study with color analysis

Patients who experience anxiety, associated with chronic illness, exhibit state anxiety reduction & improved concentration after engaging in mandala coloring.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Coloring”


Frontiers in Psychology

M. D. Alves, et al.

April 3, 2024

Why Does It Hurt to Feel Lonely?

I have a new article in Psychology Today: Why Does it Hurt to Feel Lonely?
“When one tugs at a single thing in nature, they find it attached to the rest of the world.” (John Muir)

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Loneliness”


Psychology Today

Leigh W. Jerome, PhD

April 2, 2024

Rethinking disruptive innovation: unravelling theoretical controversies and charting new research frontiers

Disruptive innovation theories are dynamic in nature, reflective of an ongoing process rather than a fixed set of principles, continually adapting and expanding to meet the complexities of emergent dynamics. 

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Dynamic”


Innovation Organization & Management

S. Lile, S. Ansari & F. Urmetzer

April 1, 2024


Co-creation is increasingly linked to sustainable development & positive social impact, focusing on creating shared value for businesses & society

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Co-Creation”



Myriam Ertz

March 29, 2024

Creative Self-Efficacy: Why It Matters for the Future of STEM Education

Creative self-efficacy is a teachable competence associated with the willingness to take risks, openness & tolerance for ambiguity. It provides enquiry-orientated learning experiences that facilitate efficacy-building.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “SelfEfficacy”


Creativity Research Journal

M. Vieira, J. P. Kennedy, S, N. Leonard & D. Cropley

March 28, 2024

Developing Musical Creativity Through Movement: Navigating the Musical Affordance Landscape

Embodied approaches to music education (moving to the music) provoke flexible/creative navigation of the musical affordance landscape by eliciting meaningful engagement with music, that leads to novel insights & experiences.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Movement”


Creativity Research Journal

L. N. Ghent, N. Grinspun & S. Fortuna

March 27, 2024

How Crisis May Generate and Sustain Creative Cycles: The Role of Problem Persistence

Throughout the creative process, creators switch the focus of their work from outside beneficiaries to their own benefit, serving as a trigger to reinforce creators' motivations to continue work beyond the first set of creative outputs. 

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Benefits”


Journal of Creative Behavior

A. L. Villanova, M. Pina e Cunha, A. Carlsen

March 26, 2024

The impacts of a high-school art-based program on academic achievements, creativity, and creative behaviors

Art-based programs in high school enhances creativity, fostering creative activities, & improve academic performance, including enhancements in visualization, breaking boundaries, humor, richness of imagery & colorfulness of imagery.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Education”


npj Science of Learning

Pablo Egana-delSol

March 25, 2024

Linking Gender To Creativity: Role of Risk Taking and Support For Creativity Towards Creative Potential of Employees

Men express greater confidence in generating creative ideas at work. Females take fewer risks than males at work, not because they are less creative, but because female creativity is less supported & gender exportations exacerbate efficacy.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Gender”


Journal of Intercultural Communication

D. T. Alamanda, et al

March 22, 2024

Creative development, self-esteem and barriers to creativity in university students of education according to their participation in artistic activities

Students more exposed to narrative, graphic & general creativity outperform students who have less exposure to creative tasks.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Performance”


Thinking Skills and Creativity

H. Chacón-López & A. Maeso-Broncano

March 21, 2024

Open Creativity: Increased Creativity Due to Network Relationships in Coworking Environments

Collaborative spaces can expand individuals' creativity/generative ideas, as they constitute a social hub for exchanging experiences & visions between people from different social and professional backgrounds.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Collaborative”


International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management

H. Muzzio, B. S. Caio Gonçalves & C. Costa

March 20, 2024

Nostalgic Scent of Childhood Increases Creativity

The combination of olfactory cues & nostalgia memory recollection, triggering nostalgia, boost divergent thinking & are correlated with positive emotions & inspiration.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Nostalgia”


Scientific Research

March 19, 2024

Creative flow as optimized processing: Evidence from brain oscillations during jazz improvisations by expert and non-expert musicians

How does the brain gets into creative flow? 1-Experience - creating a brain network specialized for generating a desired type of ideas; & 2-a release of control (letting go) allowing this network to work with little/no conscious supervision.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Flow”



D. Rosen, et al.

March 18, 2024

Role of emotional creativity and achievement motivation on trauma symptoms among university students

Developing emotional creativity can serve as a strategic approach to counteract the mediating effect of trauma symptoms on achievement motivation. 

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Emotion”


Frontiers in Psychology

A. Bulathwatta & R. Lakshika

March 15, 2024

Exploring the impact of design thinking in information technology education: An empirical investigation

Design thinking promotes creativity in students’ digital works, especially value, diversity & originality & enhances awareness of using IT to address daily challenges/ facilitate information knowledge & skills.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “DT”


Thinking Skills and Creativity

L. Lin, et al.

March 14, 2024

Blending art and technology: Digital creativity and environmental innovation

VR & AR have expanded capacity for immersive art experiences & scientific simulations. Technology-driven data analysis & modeling have also enhanced our understanding of ecological systems & informed sustainable practices.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Eco”


We Forum

Joseph Fowler

March 13, 2024

Creativity and ambiguity tolerance

Engaging in creative tasks increases ambiguity tolerance and can improve cognitive & affective well-being, openness to diversity, and willingness to engage in pro-social behaviors.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Ambiguity”


Economics Letters

G. Charness & D. Grieco

March 12, 2024

Adaptive Creativity and Innovative Creativity

Adaptive creative thinkers create original ideas more likely to fit the existing paradigms; innovative creative thinkers create original ideas that are more likely to challenge paradigms. 

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Ideas”


Encyclopedia of Creativity, Invention, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

K. H. Kim & R. A. Pierce

March 11, 2024

Preference for Harmony: A Preference for Structural Simplicity, Familiarity, or Both?

People prefer harmony but this is modified by a predilection for stimuli that are more familiar, not just structurally simpler, more regular, and/or more harmonious.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Music”


Empirical Studies of the Arts

Sijia E. Song, Douglas A. Kowalewski & Ronald S. Friedman

March 8, 2024

On the Traveling-Creativity Relationship: Effects of Openness to Experience, Cultural Distance, and Creative Self-Efficacy

When approached with high levels of ‘openness to experience’, travel offers cognitive resource maximization, positive emotions, & new, out-of-ordinary experiences, enabling creativity to flourish.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Openness”


Creativity. Theories – Research - Applications

Lidia Wojtycka

March 7, 2024

Changes in Positive and Negative Affect during Creative Process Engagement

Throughout the creative process, engagement in behaviors that that are more autonomous & less constrained (e.g. idea generation) produces more positive affect, especially when aiding positive goal progress.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Generativity”


The Journal of Creative Behavior

T. Montag-Smit & M. G. Keith

March 6, 2024

Can Sitting Postures Influence the Creative Mind? Positive Effect of Contractive Posture on Convergent-Integrative Thinking

Creativity is influenced by’ sitting postures - sitting in a contractive posture requiring arm flexion to perform a convergent-integrative thinking task leads to better creative performance than sitting in an expansive posture requiring arm extension.

“Science” “Art” “RelationalSpace” “Sitting”


Creativity Research Journal

N. Michinov & E. Michinov

March 5, 2020

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