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Attenuating Neural Threat Expression with Imagination

M. C. Reddan, T. D. Wager & D. Schiller

September 12, 2022

Deliberate imagination can extinguish reactions to threat through imagined simulations of the conditioned stimuli. Like real extinction, imagined extinction engages the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, amygdala & related perceptual cortices.

#RelationalSpace #Art #Science #Threats

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Artists and scientists alike are focused on exploring the world through introspection, examination and experimentation. Collaboration provides diversity of inperspective and methodology leading to novel dialogue. Combining scientific exploration with creative expression offers unique opportunities for forming new knowledge, discovery and creativity. To tackle the intractable challenges of our global society requires a brand new language – a language of interdisciplinarity, interconnectedness, and intersectionality. Relational Space provides an immersive space for artistic expression and scholarly knowledge exchange with focus on Evidence-based Art: Art presented in relation to empirically supported ideas to promote transformational social change. Relational Space encourages communication and collaboration among artists, scientists, policy-makers and community activists with focus on marginalized populations and topics of equity and social justice.  Our vision sees a more just and sustainable world, inspired by art and transformed through truth. 


The stories we tell matter.




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